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po energetskem ukrepu

Gorenjska regija Goriška regija Notranjsko-kraška regija Obalno-kraška regija Osrednjeslovenska regija Jugovzhodna Slovenija Spodnjeposavska regija Savinjska regija Zasavska regija Koroška regija Podravska regija Pomurska regija
Napredno iskanje
Zadnjih 10 vpisov
Naključnih 10 vpisov
Tabla NEP Pohvalite nas


First of all we would like to thank all households, managers, principals and directors involved, who showed immediate and unselfish willingness to open the door to their homes and facilities. Their most common comment - "Of course I’m willing to show you examples of good practice, because I know how hard I got the relevant information when I needed it myself," -  highlights how open and unselfish the volunteers involved are.  

The NEP Slovenia portal would not have been possible without the donation provided by Switzerland through the Swiss Contribution to the enlarged European Union.
Special thanks are due to ten energy advisors who travelled in almost all Slovenian regions and "mapped" more than 300 buildings into understandable and useful information.

Care for new, better and more comprehensive coverage of Slovenia and the Slovenian NEP base from now on depends on the people, who will enter the good EE and RES measures themselves. We would like to thank them in advance since we are deeply convinced that investment in environment, health and fellow people is the best investment ever.

Without the users of the NEP Slovenia portal, our effort would have been useless. We would like to thank all, who will be able to transfer the information found on the portal, into the process of renovation of an old building or a new construction. Benefits will be many - their wallet, health and the environment will be extremely grateful.

Delovanje NEP podpira:




(C) 2008 - 2024 VITRA Center za uravnotežen razvoj Cerknica | Piškotki | Pravno obvestilo | Natisni
Zadnja sprememba: 05.08.2020, 06:43:53, število zadetkov od 11.4.2009: 0, v zadnji uri/dnevu obiskovalcev: 11/241
Računalniška izvedba: IT Niansis Franci Lajovic s.p. | Grafična zasnova: Asja Pavčič, Abakos

Projekt je podprt z donacijo Švice v okviru Švicarskega prispevka razširjeni Evropski uniji.
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